Look at Maryborough in a bigger context, urges Dr Melissa Jardine
Published in the Ballarat Courier and Bendigo Advertiser in July 2019
In 2015, Maryborough hosted the Royal Commission into Family Violence and will soon host the only regional town hearings for the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. These are important to draw attention to the impacts of generational disadvantage, unemployment and service gaps for the district which are also being addressed through the Go Goldfields project. But to what extent will the findings from both inquiries be integrated for a systematic state-wide response?

Observing and presenting on harm reduction approaches in Brazil on invitation from the Pacification Police Unit of the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro state in 2011 Observing and presenting on harm reduction approaches in Brazil on invitation from the Pacification Police Unit of the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro state in 2011

Launching a Police Statement of Support for Harm Reduction Approaches with police from Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand & Australia at the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice 2013
Above: Launching a Police Statement of Support for Harm Reduction Approaches with police from Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand & Australia at the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice 2013
International Women’s Day at the People’s Police Academy, Hanoi 2019 International Women’s Day at the People’s Police Academy, Hanoi 2019 Presenting on anti-trafficking measures in Ho Chi Minh City at the inaugural Women in Vietnam conference 2018 hosted by Australia’s Consul-General Karen Lanyon.

Keynote speaker at
Victoria Police Mental Health, Family & Wellbeing Day, Melbourne 2016