Dr Melissa Jardine’s research interests include:
- Southern Policing
- Southern Theory (e.g. Connell, R.)
- Southern Criminology (e.g. Carrington, K. et al)
- Police culture (e.g. Chan, J.)
- Policing and law enforcement in Asia
- Vietnam specialist
- Police professionalisation, recruitment & education models
- Police reforms
- Counter-terrorism & violent extremism
- Transnational crimes
- Police corruption
- Law enforcement & public health
- Harm reduction approaches
- HIV prevention & epidemic control
- Women in law enforcement
- Gender & sexuality
- Ethnography
- Qualitative & mixed research methods
Books & book chapters
- Jardine et al (2023). Researching the police in Vietnam. In edited volume (forthcoming)
- Jardine et al (2023). Policing in Conflict: Women in the Afghan National Police. In edited volume. Routledge. (forthcoming)
- Jardine, M. (2022) Policing in a changing Vietnam: Towards a global account of policing. Routledge. (forthcoming)
- Jardine, M. (2022) Harm reduction and policing in Australia. In Blue Serge and Red Ribbons, ed. G. Monaghan (forthcoming)
- Jardine, M. & van Dijk, A. (2022). Why being positive matters. Appreciative Inquiry and ethnography for transforming policing. The Handbook of Police Ethnography, eds. Fleming, J. and Charmen, S. Routledge. (forthcoming).
- Jardine, M. & van Dijk, A. (2022) Law enforcement and public health: a framework for analysis of LEPH in lower and middle income countries (LMICs). In Law Enforcement & Public Health: Partners for Community Safety and Wellbeing, eds. Bartkowiak-Théron, I., Clover, J., Southby, R., & Crofts, N. Springer.
Articles and reports
- Nick Crofts et al. “Envisaging the Future: Dialogues on Public Health, Law Enforcement, and Community Solutions,” Police Chief 88, no. 12 (December 2021): 40–52.
- Jardine, M. (2021). Women, Police and Security: Gender-Responsive Security Sector Reform in the Afghan National Police up to 2021. UN Women Afghanistan, Kabul. (June 2021, unpublished).
- Galea. N. and Jardine. M. (2021). Building an LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace: A blueprint for Australia’s construction industry. UNSW: Sydney.
- Jardine, M. (2021). Building law enforcement capability in Viet Nam: addressing barriers for women in policing. In Ensuring Women’s Human Rights in Criminal Justice. Viet Nam National University, Law School. Ha Noi. .
- Jardine, M. & Duong, T. T. T. (2021). CEOdemographiccharacteristicsandfirmperformance:anempiricalstudyinthe scientific research and technology development industry. Journal of International Economics and Management, Volume 21 No. 1, 24–49.
- Krupanski, M., Jardine, M., Cox, B., France, T., Stronach, B., & Crofts, N. (2020). Envisioning the future: Police and public health joining forces. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 5(4), 136–137.
- D’Almeida, I., & Jardine, M. (2020). Women in Law Enforcement in the ASEAN Region. INTERPOL, UN Women & UNODC.
- Luong, H. T., Jardine, M., & Thomson, N. (2020). Mobilizing the police from the top down as public health partners in combatting COVID-19: A perspective from Vietnam. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 5(2), 57-59. https://doi.org/10.35502/jcswb.132
- Jardine, M. (2019) A Southern policing perspective and appreciative inquiry: an ethnography of policing in Vietnam, Policing and Society, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2019.1680673
- Jardine, M. (2019). Policing in a Changing Vietnam. [Dissertation]. University of New South Wales.
- Jardine, M. (2019). Women in Law Enforcement Institutions in Five Mekong Countries (Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia & Lao PDR). Bangkok: UNODC & UN Women.
- Jardine, M. (2018) Researching gender and law enforcement as public health input. Journal of Community Safety & Well-Being, August 3(1)
https://www.journalcswb.ca/index.php/cswb/article/view/65/119 - Jardine, M. (2018) Gender equality and the role of women in policing in Vietnam. The People’s Police Journal No. 3(13). Ministry of Public Security. Hanoi. 2018.
- Crofts, N. & Jardine, M. (2016). ‘The role of the police in the HIV response: the Law Enforcement and HIV Network (LEAHN)’ Australian Federation of AIDS Organisation
- Riley D., Thomson N., Monaghan G., & Jardine M. (2014). Training manual for law enforcement officials on HIV service provision for people who inject drugs. Vienna: UNODC. 2014. Available from: https://www.unodc.org/documents/hiv-aids/Lemanual/LE_Manual_on_HIV_services_for_people_who_use_drugs.pdf
- Jardine, M. (2013) ‘Building partnerships between law enforcement and harm reduction programs’. International Journal of Drug Policy. Editorial.
- Khuat, T.H., Nguyen, V.A. Jardine, M. & Moore, T. (2012). ‘Harm Reduction and “Clean” Community: Can Vietnam have both’ Harm Reduction Journal. 9:25
- Jardine, M., Khuat T.H. & Nguyen, V.A. 2012, ‘Case Study: Methadone maintenance treatment in Hanoi, Vietnam’. Harm Reduction Journal 2012, 9:26
- Jardine, M., Crofts, N., Monaghan, G. and Morrow, M. (2012). Harm reduction and law enforcement in Vietnam: influences on street policing. Harm Reduction Journal 2012, 9:27
- ‘Sleeping with the enemy? Engaging with law enforcement in prevention of HIV among and from injecting drug users in Asia’ (2010). By the Law Enforcement and Harm Reduction at the Nossal Institute (LEHRN) Partnership, HIV Matters, Vol. 2, No. 1, August.
Selected news & media
- Melissa Jardine (2022). Would China? Would China: Australia’s chance to back women police in the Pacific, The Interpreter, Lowy Institute.
- Jardine, M. & Tran, V. (2022). Language matters: Australia needs a return to the study of Vietnamese language. Australia Vietnam Policy Institute.
- Melissa Jardine (2021). The World Must Evacuate Women Police in Afghanistan, The Interpreter, Lowy Institute.
- Melissa Jardine (2020) Policing Vietnam: How Australia could help, The Interpreter, Lowy Institute.
- Jardine, M. (July 2019). Look at Maryborough in a bigger context, urges Dr Melissa Jardine. The Courier and Bendigo Advertiser.
- Interview on ABC Central Victoria breakfast radio (December 2019) on Empowering rural women and girls through the MEC-LEPH program. (Audio starts at 21.30 minutes)
- Green, S. (June 2013). Out of harm’s way: Australian police officers are helping police forces around the world to fight HIV/AIDS by taking a less hardline approach to enforcing drugs laws. The Sydney Morning Herald/The Age.
Research dissertations
Doctor of Philosophy
Faculty of Law
University of New South Wales 2019
Research dissertation: Policing in a changing Vietnam
Master of Philosophy
Nossal Institute for Global Health
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne 2013
Research dissertation: Law enforcement and harm reduction: influences on street policing in Vietnam
Master of Asian Studies
Faculty of Arts
Monash University 2006
Research dissertation: Economic crimes and the death penalty in China