What is LEAHN?
The Law Enforcement And HIV Network – LEAHN – is a way of connecting people involved in HIV prevention, particularly those working in law enforcement and public health. LEAHN aims to help build sustainable global and local partnerships to work more effectively with vulnerable groups, such as people who inject drugs (PWID), sex workers, prisoners, migrants and men who have sex with men (MSM).
Whilst LEAHN’s focus is on preventing HIV, it is acknowledged that the role of police in public health is much broader and can be extended to include substance abuse, mental health, family violence and others.
Knowledge sharing
LEAHN is all about sharing information and experiences. The network provides the opportunity to share best practice, success stories and case studies aimed at raising awareness of the role of police in HIV prevention and harm reduction.
Advocacy and peer education
Through LEAHN, experienced police and public health professionals located anywhere in the world can provide practical advice to peers about their experiences with HIV prevention and harm reduction programs. By demonstrating and generating leadership, it is envisaged locally-driven approaches will be most effective in addressing the harms associated with activities such as substance misuse, sex work and violence.
Visit the LEAHN website: leahn.org